Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Activity 1.3 Journal reflection

Within society, we find numerous and different families everywhere. All families vary in different ways, whether it is culturally, or any other way. I believe that it is this that makes a family important to the society that surrounds it. Without specific family units in society, things would vary gravely. For example, a family that starts an SPCA in town would impact the whole society around them by attempting to help families get and give away animals when they can no longer care of them. As well as keeping them off the streets.
Certain things such as the way people are raised can also affect society. For instance, if a family isn’t going well because the parents are always arguing, one is taking drugs, or maybe violence is occuring (and other things of this kind), makes it complicated to raise their child or children properly and raised as a proper citizen. This can, at times, create problems. If the child starts to steal, vandalise or do some similar things, just because they need attention or don’t know any better, the whole society gets affected. So that one family has just affected the whole society.
In Hamlet’s case, this is what’s happening. Due to a series of unfortunate events escalating one after the other, Hamlet starts to act mad. When he does start acting mad, the whole society gets affected. This is why, people are reacting differently in hope, they can help him change back to normal. Also, the whole palace begins to revolve around Hamlet and how he has gone mad. Polonius, the king’s assistant, is even put in charge of listening to conversations going on between Claudius’s wife, Gertrude and Hamlet. Because of this, the society loses their leaders during a certain amount of time as well as some of the other important men working around. Not to mention the grief occurring due to the death of poor Old Hamlet. All in all, the society slowly starts to worry, and beings to care about the palace and only that.
In conclsuion, numerous things occured demonstrating that, the family unit was an important piece to the society.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Standardizing Arguments

1. A black president or candidate will most likely be killed, and in this case, Barack Obama.

2. George Wallace was assassined for the same reason, skin tone,when he was a candidate in the US.
3. Not only is racism a factor, but he was also educated within a Muslim School and his stepfather was Muslim.
4. It is a great risk to have a black president due to hate crimes occruing and the FBI and all not always being able to stop everything.

5. America's sickos on the right and the left assassinated presidents Abraham Lincoln, John Garfield, William McKinley, John Kennedy; they tried to assassinate presidents Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan; they did assassinate presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy, they did assassinate black leaders Malcom X and Martin Luther King; they attempted to or did assassinate a number of senators, governors, mayors.
6. No doubt right now in America some person, some group, is thinking of how to assassinate Barack Obama.
6.a) fearing him: That Barack Obama is the new "Manchurian Candidate," that Barack Obama -- as captured Korean War U.S soldier Lawrence Harvey in the 1962 movie was brainwashed by the communists and programmed in his subconscious through a playing card to assassinate a right-wing presidential nominee -- is a plant by America's Islamic enemies to destroy the nation from within.

Standerdizing Arguments

1. The Canadian soldiers that participated in the Veitnam War, should also be remembered on November 11th along with all those who participated within the other wars and enemy country verterans.

2. The Americans and enmey countries are being honoured for all the 20th century wars but not the 103 killed soldiers from the Veitnam War.

3. The Americans recognized the 103 Canadians on their memorial in Washington, D.C. (The Wall). But it is done nowhere else in the native country of these soldiers, Canada.
4. Although Canadians have participated within this war, for them to comemorate their friends who died, they will have to do it at another time.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Outline for Essay: The Life of Pi

T: The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, is a fantasy novel based on a boy named Pi, talking about a story, that hasn’t really happened to him.
R: The animals on the boat do things that aren’t in their true nature.
E: The Hyena starts eating the zebra while still alive, only in real life, no animal would ever do that, and they would kill their prey before eating it.
E: Animals don’t wait and organize the way they’re going to eat their preys. They would kill them all and eat them as fast as possible.
E: A hyena never attacks alone, even less when a more powerful animal such as the Royal Bengal Tiger.
E: Even if a real Royal Bengal tiger would have been on the boat, Pi would have none that it didn’t jump overboard like he thought at first, and would have been attacked

R: Many of the events that take place within the novel, would never have occurred.
E: For example, a pile of bananas would not have been able to support an Orangutan out of the water such as pi says it did.
E: The tiger would never have been let taimed because he would of reacted such as if he were still in a zoo, not knowing he was on water
E: Barely any humans would be a part of three different religions at the same time with no one noticing it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Accountability Agreement

By: Frédérick Caron
September 3rd, 2008


  • My supports include my parents who help me stay calm and manage my time well or better (allowing me not to be stressed)
  • As well on the list are my partners that I will get in the future for whatever assignment. They will support me by helping each other, myself out and doing their own part to their best
  • Mr. Murray is an important support by helping me eliminate the confusion I have upon certain things and teaching me what I will need to know in the future for my university career
  • Yanick and Nicole are my supports in the way that I need them to learn and catch up on missed work, give me my homework, and help me out to solve problems like I will do for them if they are ever to need me


  • I know what success looks like through the reflection of my marks and accomplishments of my projects and if I had done the best I could have done on that project
  • Another way that I will see my success is when I will do well or good on a class presentation without being terrified
  • Being able to keep the same average or even go over it during the semester which would be about 80% like last year
  • I know I will have done well by being glad to show my parents my marks and by seeing my parents proud to get to sign my assignments or tests. I will also known I’ve done well when it’s not a mark I’m scared to show friends around me
  • I will see success when I am able to go around problems to finish projects on time, not have as many grammar mistakes in essays and what not; as well as, having the personal satisfaction of getting up and saying that it is my project
  • I will know what success looks like when my focuses will be attained and finished with allowing me to make new ones


  • I will reward myself by possibly getting certificates from the school again to keep for later on
  • Maybe getting a scholar ship by doing good on the AP test
  • Instead of doing work that weekend relax and go see my friends play hockey and get to play on an outdoor rink all day


  • As a student I would like to be able to contribute help towards other classmates when someone needs help on an assignment and such
  • I would also like to contribute my opinions and ideas to the class so I can participate in the discussions
  • By simply participating in class, I will be contributing to the classmates
  • I shall also contribute, during this semester weekly blogs as well as weekly notes for the final exam reviews to be much simpler
  • Silence to not disturb anyone’s thoughts during individual work will be something I will attempt to contribute


  • I want to be able to write a better essay and have a good mark with fewer grammar errors
  • I want to be able to keep my average at the same level for my University files and to have an easier acceptance to the one I want
  • In this class I want to be able to read books of a higher importance with more ease, such as books from Shakespeare’s collection because they are known to be awesome books
  • The accomplishment of reading all four books and handing all of the projects
  • I want to be able to give better oral presentations


  • I will be held responsible for going to as many of my classes as possible with the least possible absences for my good
  • For doing my work and handing it in on time, even if absent (after effort has been put in it)
  • I’m responsible as well for asking questions about things that aren’t clear to me
  • I will also be personally responsible to get missed work on the days I am not there through either a friend or through the teacher and have it on time anyways
  • I will be responsible to ask for an extension if I think I will be unable to hand something in on the due date that was given
  • I will be held responsible of my behaviours, good or bad during classes

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 1....

I have finally started my last English class of my highschool career and I must admit that I'm greatly happy... hopefully this semester will be similar as last semester's English course and everything will go as smoothly allowing me to keep my 80% mark. We already have a project on the go as well as one of our ISUs and I am quite scared about the 70 minute presentation because thats a little long to write up on readers response and then present for that length. So thats something I don't know how it will go along.
September 8th, 2008