Monday, September 8, 2008

Accountability Agreement

By: Frédérick Caron
September 3rd, 2008


  • My supports include my parents who help me stay calm and manage my time well or better (allowing me not to be stressed)
  • As well on the list are my partners that I will get in the future for whatever assignment. They will support me by helping each other, myself out and doing their own part to their best
  • Mr. Murray is an important support by helping me eliminate the confusion I have upon certain things and teaching me what I will need to know in the future for my university career
  • Yanick and Nicole are my supports in the way that I need them to learn and catch up on missed work, give me my homework, and help me out to solve problems like I will do for them if they are ever to need me


  • I know what success looks like through the reflection of my marks and accomplishments of my projects and if I had done the best I could have done on that project
  • Another way that I will see my success is when I will do well or good on a class presentation without being terrified
  • Being able to keep the same average or even go over it during the semester which would be about 80% like last year
  • I know I will have done well by being glad to show my parents my marks and by seeing my parents proud to get to sign my assignments or tests. I will also known I’ve done well when it’s not a mark I’m scared to show friends around me
  • I will see success when I am able to go around problems to finish projects on time, not have as many grammar mistakes in essays and what not; as well as, having the personal satisfaction of getting up and saying that it is my project
  • I will know what success looks like when my focuses will be attained and finished with allowing me to make new ones


  • I will reward myself by possibly getting certificates from the school again to keep for later on
  • Maybe getting a scholar ship by doing good on the AP test
  • Instead of doing work that weekend relax and go see my friends play hockey and get to play on an outdoor rink all day


  • As a student I would like to be able to contribute help towards other classmates when someone needs help on an assignment and such
  • I would also like to contribute my opinions and ideas to the class so I can participate in the discussions
  • By simply participating in class, I will be contributing to the classmates
  • I shall also contribute, during this semester weekly blogs as well as weekly notes for the final exam reviews to be much simpler
  • Silence to not disturb anyone’s thoughts during individual work will be something I will attempt to contribute


  • I want to be able to write a better essay and have a good mark with fewer grammar errors
  • I want to be able to keep my average at the same level for my University files and to have an easier acceptance to the one I want
  • In this class I want to be able to read books of a higher importance with more ease, such as books from Shakespeare’s collection because they are known to be awesome books
  • The accomplishment of reading all four books and handing all of the projects
  • I want to be able to give better oral presentations


  • I will be held responsible for going to as many of my classes as possible with the least possible absences for my good
  • For doing my work and handing it in on time, even if absent (after effort has been put in it)
  • I’m responsible as well for asking questions about things that aren’t clear to me
  • I will also be personally responsible to get missed work on the days I am not there through either a friend or through the teacher and have it on time anyways
  • I will be responsible to ask for an extension if I think I will be unable to hand something in on the due date that was given
  • I will be held responsible of my behaviours, good or bad during classes

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