Saturday, October 11, 2008

Outline for Essay: The Life of Pi

T: The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, is a fantasy novel based on a boy named Pi, talking about a story, that hasn’t really happened to him.
R: The animals on the boat do things that aren’t in their true nature.
E: The Hyena starts eating the zebra while still alive, only in real life, no animal would ever do that, and they would kill their prey before eating it.
E: Animals don’t wait and organize the way they’re going to eat their preys. They would kill them all and eat them as fast as possible.
E: A hyena never attacks alone, even less when a more powerful animal such as the Royal Bengal Tiger.
E: Even if a real Royal Bengal tiger would have been on the boat, Pi would have none that it didn’t jump overboard like he thought at first, and would have been attacked

R: Many of the events that take place within the novel, would never have occurred.
E: For example, a pile of bananas would not have been able to support an Orangutan out of the water such as pi says it did.
E: The tiger would never have been let taimed because he would of reacted such as if he were still in a zoo, not knowing he was on water
E: Barely any humans would be a part of three different religions at the same time with no one noticing it.

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